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The Role Of Religion In The Development Of Africans
~1.2 mins read
We have been told religion is the reason for the backwardness of Africans, but is that really true?
To understand the impact and role of religion in Africa, one has to look at Africans before the introduction of religion (Islam and Christianity).
There are many tribes in Africa and each lived with different cultures which defined them. The cultures Africans lived by were mostly harmful practices.
Harmful cultural/traditional practices are those customs that are known to have bad effects on people's health and to obstruct the goals of equality. Some of the harmful practices include:
1. Sacrificing human beings and or burying them alive.
2. Bride kidnapping and forced marriage.
3. Denying women inheritance and education.
4. Tribal markings.
5. Fighting unnecessary wars.
After the introduction of religion (Islam and Christianity) to Africans over 1,300 years ago, Africans have embraced the religions and have been practicing it ever since.
The religions, even though each with different believes, teaches almost the same things. Islam taught Muslims to live in peace with one another and Christianity to love one another.
Religion taught Africans cleanliness, honesty, equality, open-mindedness and many good virtues, religion brought justice and the desire to seek knowledge, harmful cultural and traditional practices were condemned and forbidden. (you can add yours)
After reading this, you will agree that religion brought more good than harm to Africans, and know that religion cannot be blamed for any underdevelopment in Africa as it has played its role in steering them towards a better path than they were on.

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