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~6.6 mins read
Praying the chaplets of the divine takes only a few minutes but yields many great benefits.the 3'oclock own can be prayed on it's own or in conjunction with the chaplet for divine mercy.For a brief moment,pause and remember what JESUS did for each and everyone of us.HE died do that we may live, at this hour of mercy,(3'oclock)pause for a brief moment and pray this prayer:
3'0clock prayer for mercy
You died JESUS,but the source of life gushed forth for souls and the ocean of Mercy opened up for the whole world.O fount if life, unfathomable divine mercy, envelope the whole world and empty yourself out upon us.
O blood and water which gushed out from the heart of JESUS,as a fountain of mercy,I trust in YOU.(x3).
Using a set of rosery beads,make the sign of the cross:
In the name of the father,and of the son,and of the holy Spirit, amen
On the first 3 beads after the cross:
Pray one;our father, one hail Mary,and the Apostles Creed.on the last beads before each of the five decades of rosery beads,begin by praying:
Eternal Father,we offer you the Body,Blood,Soul,and Divinity if your dearly beloved Son,our Lord Jesus Christ,in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.
Then,recite the following prayer on each of the ten small beads
For the sake of his sorrowful passion,have mercy on us and on the whole world.
Conclusion-After concluding the five decades,then pray: Holy God, Holy Mighty One,Holy Immortal One,have mercy on us and on the whole world.(x3).
Let us pray
O holy and Eternal God,in whom mercy is endless and the treachery of compassion inexhaustible,look kindly upon us and increase your mercy in us,so that,in different moments, we might not despair not become despondent,but with increasing confidence, submit ourselves to your holy will, which is love and mercy itself.Amen.
To obtain love for God
Most sweet Jesus,set my love in fire for you and transform me into yourself.Divinize me that my deeds may be pleasing to you.May this be accomplished by the power of the holy Communion which I receive daily.Oh,how greatly I desire to be wholly transformed into you.O Lord.
For a Merciful Heart
Jesus,I understand that your mercy is beyond all imagining,and therefore I ask you to make my heart so big that there will be room for it for the needs of all the souls living on the face of the Earth.Make my heart sensitive to all the sufferings of my neighbor, whether body or soul.O my Jesus,I know that you act towards us as we act towards our neighbor.Make my heart like unto your Merciful heart.Trandmsform it into your own heart that I may sense the needs in  other heart., especially those who are sad and suffering.May the rays of mercy rest in my heart, Jesus help me to go through life doing good to everyone.
The Miracle Prayer:
Lord Jesus,I come before you just as I am.I am sorry for all my sins,I repent of my sins please forgive me.In your name,I forgive all others for what they've done against me.I renounce Satan,the evil spirits and all their works.I give you my entire self, Lord Jesus now and forever.I invite you into my life Jesus,I accept you as my Lord, God and savior.Heal me,save me, strengthen me in body, soul and spirit.Come,Lord Jesus,Cover me with your precious blood and fill me with your holy spirit.I love you Lord Jesus.I praise you Jesus.I thank you Jesus.I shall follow you everyday of my life.Amen.Mary my mother,Queen of peace, all the angels and saints,pls help me.Amen.
In Thanksgiving
Jesus, Eternal God, I thank you for your countless Graces and blessings.let every bit of my heart be a new hymn of thanksgiving to you,O God.Let every drop of my blood circulate for you ,O God.My soul is one hymn in adoration of your mercy.l love you, God,for Yourself alone.
According to john 19:25-27 Jesus gave Mary as a mother to John.Dearly beloved,I am John and I accept the motherhood of Mary in my life,as a disciple of Jesus, what about you?Again for us Christians,death is not an end to active life in the service of God,rather death is merely the stepping stone into eternity where Mary and the saints are fully alive with Christ.So,the bond of love that binds all Christ faithfuls goes beyond death and earth.As such,the new and eternal convenant medicated by Christ Jesus keeps us all(both those in heaven and on earth)in a living and charitable relationship through the mediatorship of Jesus.Since, we're members of one spiritual family through the eternal convenant of Christ as brothers and sisters,we can communicate together in prayer for each other with each other.Brethen,let us with love,turn to our spiritual mother:the blessed virgin Mary who is a model to emulate,a friend to trust,a mother to honour,a queen to respect,an intercessor to beseech and a sister that cares.
Prayer to Mary our Mother
Mary my mother of perpetual help,with trust in you as my spiritual mother in the family if Jesus Christ,I implore ur maternal intercession,inspired me by the example of your life and faith in the name of Jesus.I think of you at that moment when, full of faith and trust,you accepted God's call to be the mother of His Son.Help me,your child,to accept with joy my own calling in life in the name of Jesus.When you learned that your cousin Elizabeth was in need,you immediately went to serve her and offer your help.Help me,like you to be concerned for others in the name of Jesus.I think of you, Mother,at the foot of the cross,your heart must have bled to see your son in agony.But your joy was great when he rosw from the dead, victorious over the powers of evil.Mother of sorrow,help me through the trials and temptation and disappointment of life.Help me not to loose heart.May I share with you and your son the joy of having courageously faced all the challenges of Life in the name of Jesus Amen.
Imploring the intercession of our Mother of Perpetual Help
Mother of Perpetual help,you have been blessed and favoured by God you became not only the mother of the Redeemer but also of the redeemed as well.I come to you today as your loving child.Watch over me and take care of me.As you held the child Jesus in your lovely arms,so take me in your arms.Be a mother ready at every moment to help me.For God who's mighty has done great things for you,and God's mercy is from age to age on those who love God.Intercede for me,dear mother,in obtaining pardon for our sin,love for Jesus,final perseverance,and the grace always living a life pleasing to Jesus,in Jesus precious name I pray-Amen.Mother of perpetual help pray for me.
Thanking God with Mary
O mother of Perpetual help,with grateful heart,we join you in thanking God for all the wonderful things He has done for us, especially for giving us Jesus,your son,as our Redeemer,O God,our creator, we thank you for the gift of life.Despite our failures, you continue you continue to show your love for us today by increasing the life of your spirit in us at the Eucharistic table.we thank you loving father for giving us Mary, the mother of your son,the mother of perpetual help.we pray that those past favours will inspire us to greater confidence in your loving mercy and to seek the aid of our Mother in Perpetual help.Amen.
The chaplet of our lady of perpetual help is prayed on the regular rosary.
how to pray the chaplet of our lady of perpetual help
Make the sign of the cross,say: Glory be,say three hail Mary's on each of the next three beads, after which say the Creed.(Each decades has one prayer for the larger beads and another prayer that is said10 times for the smaller beads)
On the smaller beads:"O Mary,help us!"
When completing each decade,say:Mary has helped us,Mary wants to help us,Mary can help us,Mary will help us."
On the larger beads: O mother of perpetual help,listen to our pleading souls you can help us in our needs,Mary,with hope,we call on you.
Upon completing the chaplet,say the following prayer:we fly to your patronage ,o holy mother of God despise not our petitions in our necessities,but deliver us from all dangers,o ever glorious Mother.
Copied.... daily strength devotional

See Why You Have Bad Dreams
~4.2 mins read
Stopping nightmares,you need to
  Bad dreams are a common part of how we sleep; it's unknown whether or not other mammals and other animals have similar nightmare patterns, though many species do show signals of dream-like states. Many of us wonder what causes bad dreams, and if there's anything we can do to help us sleep better. Turns out, there are seven simple things you can stop doing if you're over constantly having nightmares.
Nightmares, it's important to note, are different than night terrors, which many people also suffer from. We tend to dip between different depths of sleep throughout a conventional night's rest, and night terrors are sudden washes of fear or negative emotion as you transition from one stage of sleep to another. Nightmares, by contrast, tend to happen during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the deepest stage of slumber, in which the brain remains active while the body is almost fully at rest. REM periods lengthen as the night goes on, and nightmares often happen in the longer REM periods.
But bad dreams aren't an inevitable part of your REM sleep. These are seven simple things that can cause bad dreams, that you can stop doing tonight for a better night's rest.
1 uEating Cheese At Bedtime
A pretty usual suspect for nightmares is what you eat before bed. Yes, your night cheese might actually be at fault here. The National Sleep Foundation explains that eating too close to bedtime can rev up your metabolism, prompting more brain activity during REM sleep and a higher risk of having bad dreams. In one bizarre, unscientific survey in 2005, the British Cheese Board gave various people types of cheese to eat before bed and asked them to describe their dreams; cheddar dreams were about celebrities, while Stilton created nightmares.
Yet another reason to listen when Netflix pauses your binge-sesh. Evidence suggests heavily that delaying sleep and being deprived of it altogether increase your likelihood of nightmares once you finally hit the sack. A 2011 study in Turkey found that there's a strong correlation between being a night owl staying up late habitually and having more nightmares. For your best sleep, make like Gwenyth Paltrow and go to sleep at the same time every single night.
If you don't get to bed early, chances are you're not going to be sleeping enough and that can cause seriously bad dreams. Some studies have found that sleep deprivation intensifies dreaming in REM states, including the probability of nightmares. Basically, anything that mucks up regular circadian rhythms, from jetlag to a period of intense partying (we've all been there), is likely to increase the possibility of having a nightmare.
You know that meditation app you've been meaning to download? Here's your excuse to do it. Higher levels of anxiety and stress are tied to nightmare occurrence. Our emotional levels during waking hours carry through to our brain activity during the night. It's believed that dreams serve an emotional purpose, in that they reflect and process what we're experiencing while we're awake but if those experiences are stressful, our dream-life will pick up on that.
Some scientists theorize that humans evolved to use nightmares as a kind of safety valve for anxiety and fear, so that they could operate more functionally during the day. However, Scientific American reported in 2010 that a study of Australian teens found nightmares fail to diffuse anxiety, and in fact make people more anxious in general.
Sorry to ruin weekends for you. Drinking alcohol before bed (or, you know, when you're out late and you collapse into bed without taking your makeup off) not only makes you sleep worse, it increases the ratio of REM sleep to deep sleep, multiplying the chance you'll have a bad dream. You don't have to have been partying to feel this effect, either; just a glass of wine with dinner will make you more susceptible to having a bad dream.
Low life satisfaction was shown to be a strong predictive factor for nightmares, as a 2015 study showed, though it's unclear whether that's a matter of cause and effect, or if it's simply part of a cycle of negativity. If you're experiencing low mood, nightmares may result, and therefore make your mood worse. A 2016 study from Finland showed that sufferers of Seasonal Affective Disorder were much more likely to experience nightmares in the winter than people who didn't experience depression and anxiety as the seasons changed. If you're feeling down on an ongoing basis, take steps to brighten your mood, whether that's leaving a toxic work environment, making time to exercise, or consulting a mental health professional.
Some medications have some pretty surprising effects that can carry over into your sleep. An overview of the evidence in 2013 found that, while being on tricyclic antidepressants makes dreams happier, withdrawal from those medications, MAOI-type antidepressants, or SSRIs can cause nightmares. Adjusting doses of SSRI and SNRI-type antidepressants seemed to "intensify" dreaming states, which could lead to bad dreams. This is no reason to stop taking antidepressants if you're on them to treat depression; on the contrary, finding a stable dose of an antidepressant can help with multiple causes of bad dreams.
Other medications, including beta-blockers for heart conditions and drugs for Parkinson's disease, have also been linked to nightmare frequency. If you are experiencing nightmares on an antidepressant or another medication, don't stop or drop a dose without consulting your doctor first: It's likely there are other options to help you.
( Supportive Resources For People )Having Suicidal Thoughts
Here's where to get advice and assistance.COPIED



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