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RIDDLES: Can You Answer These 10 Riddles?
~1.0 mins read
Can you answer the one above?
Riddle is a verbal puzzle, mystery or other problem of an intellectual nature.
Here are 10 riddles. See if you can answer all.
1. What has many holes but still holds water?
2. What has a head and tail but no body?
3. I cannot be seen or touched, but I can be kept. What am I?
4. Which star wear glasses?
5. You bring me out when using me and bring me in when you are not using me. What am I?
6. I eat, I live, but when I drink I die. What am I?
7. What goes up and never comes down?
8. Why are baby gird dressed in pink and baby boys dressed in blue?
9. If the blue house is on the left side of the road and the green house on the right side of the road, where is the white house?
10. A farmer had eggs for breakfast every morning. The farmer had no chickens and neither does he buy or get eggs from anybody. Where does the farmer get his eggs?
Where you able to answer all of them?
Comment your answer below.

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