
Doctor : Even Though I Aspire To Become A Medical Doctor, I Have Passion For Art, Cooking And Writing.

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10 Reasons Why You Should Do It Yourself
~1.4 mins read
You should buy something from a seller only because they make the best and not because you can't do it yourself.

Sometimes you want to enjoy some things but;

1) You can't make it yourself: learn to do it yourself in case of times you can't do it and there's no one to do it for you.

2) They don't make it the way I want: no matter how much you complain, they just can't/won't make it the way you want. And just no one likes complainers.

3) Something is missing: after they are done you find out maybe they've forgotten to put something.

4) More of what I don't want, less of what I want: or vice versa.

5) Unclean: you set out to get something just to arrive and find the place or thing unclean, dirty and not up to your standard.

6) Too expensive: you want something but you can't afford it.

7) Too cheap: yeah you read it right. Some do avoid very cheap things because isn't that a little fishy. Maybe one ingredient is missing or the quality is low or not up to your standard.

8) Bad experience or bad first impressions: there's this thing everyone is talking about then you get it, try it and never want to do with again.

9) Distance: its out of your reach.

10) Unhealthy: ulcer patients can relate to this. Too oily, too hot etc.

And that, is how you miss on great things.

So stop complaining, open those eyes and mouth, raise those hands and legs and do it yourself!
By doing it yourself, you find yourself creating something new, for yourself and others in your situation.

Source: opera news hub by Delicia. 



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