
"Be Grateful Always", Meet Andrew Jones, A Body Builder Who Carries His Heart In A Bag Pack.
~4.2 mins read
What ever we face in this life, we should learn to always have a thankful heart.
Andrew Jones is a US citizen from Connecticut. He is a fitness model and some consider him as a body builder. In 2012 he was diagnosed with a heruditary heart disease called " Cardiomyopathy". This made him weak and he could stand nor walk. He was told he needed a heart transplant or he may die.
Since he had to be on the waiting list and it was taking long as there was no organs availiable he had to receive an artificial heart. He carries this artificial heart in his back pack.
Andrew Jones artificial heart is conntected to two batteries which he carries in his bag pack.He once said he has to charge the batteries that " when he goes to bed at night when he plugs his phone, he also plugs the batteries of the artificial heart. The artificial heat most likely depend on the chemical reactions of the battery.
See more pictures of him.
I beieve Andrew is still hoping for a heart made of flesh and blood. Please say a word of prayer for him in the comment section.

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