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Family, Health And Plans
~3.9 mins read
Birth and Control Methods
Birth control is/are method (s) used to prevent pregnancy.These methods are aimed at Promoting responsible Parenthood, spacing pregnancies Ultimately provides better life quality for mum and their children.When pregnancies are properly spaced,at at least 2years apart,mother's have time to recover from the previous preggy and previous children get alot of care and attentions and increases financial manageability.
The important decision to use birth control,the type of use should be weighed alongside the effects i.e benefits and risks.The desire for reversible and permanent method should also be weighed against the desired family size.A health care practitioner can help the couple make this decision with a clear explanation of what it all entails.
Please note,non of these methods has a 100%effective against STDs,while some posses a higher success rate than the others ;These control methods include
Natural method maybe total or periodic; total abstinence involves complete retrieval of sexual is seen as the most effective method, therefore requires great self discipline,strong commitment and cooperation of both partners and it has no pessimism.
Periodic method involves avoidance of sex only during the female fertile period in the woman's monthly cycle,it is therefore unsuitable for women with irregular menstrual cycle.In practice, there are three types of periodic abstinence as follows.
a) Calenders method:This method uses the duration of the woman's previous cycles to predict the fertile period.Here,the woman records the length of each menstrual cycle o'er the last 6-12cycles.The days in which is likely and least likely to be fertile is calculated and abstinence is observed during the recommended time frame.
b)Basal body temperature:This method includes predicting a woman's ovulation by identifying an increase in body temperature following release of an egg from her ovary.This rise normally occurs 48hrs after the egg release.To avoid pregnancy,the woman will abstain from the time to three days after rise in temperature.
c)Billing Methods:This involves a woman's observation of change in the flow consistency of her cervical mucus.During ovulation,she will usually observe that her mucus has become thinner, slippery,stretchy and stringy(spinnbarkeit) and that this mucus becomes scanty and thicker during her non fertile period.Abstinence is observed during the time of wet , stretchy mucus and up to three days after.
These are Methods that interrupts the method of conception.These methods includes
a) Withdrawal Method:This method is super cheap but requires a lot of discipline and self control from the male partner.This involves the removal of the penis from the vagina before ejaculation.It has a high failure rate.
b) Barrier Method:There are several types of barrier methods which includes
I)the male and female condoms
Ii) diaphragm
Iii) cervical caps
Iv) spermicides.
Condoms act as barrier between the vagina and the penis preventing seminal fluid from getting access into the vagina.In addition to preventing pregnancy,they offer protection against STDs.
Ii)the diaphragm are used by women,it is worn over the cervix just before a sexual act.They are used preferably with spemicidal cream for effectiveness and preventing the semen from reaching the cervical canal.
Iv) spermicides come in the form of foams,creams, and sometimes pessaries but have a short lasting effect.
c)IUCD:These are small plastic/metal devices inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy.Although, they're reversible and do not interfere with intercourse,they don't protect it's user from STDs.This is strictly inadvisable for women who have had no children.
d) Hormonal:these comes in form of pills,implants and injectables.
The pills are available in different female hormones containing preparations which Ultimately prevents implantation and consequently pregnancy.the use of injectables is about the most popular in Nigeria as it is effective, convenient and offers privacy and is long lasting.
Implants are capsules containing hormones which are worn unde the skin of the upper arm usually.They are also long lasting and reversible.
As with most drugs,there are non contraceptive benefits as well as side effects of taking these drugs.It is therefore important to say that these drugs are not advisable to be used for self medication.
There's a category of hormonal contraceptive which is called 'emergency contraception'.these are popularly also called 'the morning after pills'.The most popular brand form is POSTINOR.This drug is erroneously used by women for birth spacing, they're also used for emergency scenerios like rape and burst condom.they are to be used within 72hrs of sexual exposure to be effective.
This is an irreversible form of contraception that involves tubal ligation (women)and vasectomy (men).This method is best convenient for couples who have completed their desired family size and has a high success rate.
Other methods includes.
a)use of breast feeding as a contraceptive:This works on the principle that in women who are exclusively breastfeeding, ovulation and therefore contraception is unlikely to occur.This is because,the suckling of the baby sends signal to the brain to stop ovulation.This method however,has a higher failure rate.
Birth control Services are readily available at the nearest hospital or health centre.Here, options available to you will be elaborated in details;both you and your partner will be helped to make an informed decision.
I hope your enlightened?If so,pls react and comment your questions below

What You Should Do During Your Menstrual Cycle
~2.1 mins read
Benefits of treating period cramps with hot water
Girls experience severe period cramps occur because of an excessive amount of prostaglandins present in the body. Prostaglandins are compounds which are released during the shedding of the uterine lining. Period cramps are usually experienced in the abdomen, thighs and the back. Prostaglandins support the uterus to contract and relax to let endometrium detach and flow out of the body. Excessive pain is caused when the uterus contracts strongly, blood flow is less and the supply of oxygen to the muscle tissue is decreased.

Advantage of using a hot water bottle or a heating pad is that it provides comfort and aids in killing the pain at a molecular level. When heat is applied to the skin, the heat receptors get switched on and block the effect of chemical messengers causing the pain. A hot water bottle is known to help in relaxing the uterus, reducing the tightening of blood vessels and improving the blood flow to the uterus.  One should use a heating pad/hot water bottle wrapped in a towel for safety purposes.

Heat is known to open up the blood vessels and promote blood flow. The blood flow increases with the help of heat which helps in relaxing the tight muscles and washing out the buildup of lactic acid which leads to soreness.
Heres Why You Shouldnt Have Cold Water During Periods
Chinese women teach their daughters not to drink cold water, especially during their periods as it can mess up with their health. Here are a few reasons why women should refrain from drinking cold water during periods.
Refrain from eating chilled fruits and desserts during periods
Fruits like pineapple can lead to increase in flow as per doctors
Warm water helps in partial riddance of period cramps
Studies say that cold water can increase pain during periods. So, it's advisable to have warm or hot water during those five days in the month. Various doctors have said that it's better to have warm water as it helps soothe pain and also helps in partial riddance of period cramps. According to Chinese studies, drinking cold water will harm the balance of your body and also affect your skin and health. Chinese women teach their daughters not to drink cold water, especially during their periods as it can mess up with their health.

Here are a few reasons why women should refrain from drinking cold water during periods.

Cold water can harm your intestine during periods

A few Chinese studies have revealed that drinking cold water will lead to reduced temperature in the intestines which will make it difficult for the intestines to absorb nutrients. According to Chinese studies, drinking cold water can also lead to acne problems.



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