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Two Online Sites Where You Can Make Cool Money With No Startup Fee
~1.0 mins read
In this article,I will like to share with you two inline sites where you can make cool money without startup fees.
However, you can only make reasonable amount of money if you are dedicated. The first of the two sites is :
1. Lodpress:
Lodpress came into the know some months ago and it's been proven they pay real cool money for your services.
To sign up on lodpress, you need an email account or better still you can sign using this link
Write and get paid and earn the biggest money.
They pay into an Opay wallet account therefore you'd need to open an Opay account if you don't have one.
2. Opera News Hub:
This hub has been launched in so many countries in Africa such as South Africa,Kenya and even Nigeria.
However, this hub was launched some time around November last year and people are really making money from it.
You can sign up for this site by either logging in through Facebook or a Google account. Payment:
Payment is made 15th of every month and through Opay.

How To Earn More On
~1.3 mins read is a site that let's you earn money. You earn when people, like, view and comment on posts you make. But earning can be hard as earning in real life is hard.
So here are tips on how you can earn more on the site.
1. Be the first to view, like and comment on your articles after posting.
2. Share your article to people on social media so they can view, like and comment and you earn more.
3. Like and comment on other people's posts as they might reciprocate.
4. You can start earning by commenting on people's posts after a month of registring on the site.
5. You can be able to withdraw your earnings when reach the minimum payout of $10.
6. Make sensible comments.
7. Don't be in a haste to make fast money, legit money is not easy!
8. Earn when you refer people to the site.
9. To register, copy and paste the link below or click on to become a member and start earning
7. Don't be in a haste to make fast money, legit money is not easy!
8. Earn when you refer people to the site.
9. To register, copy and paste the link below or click on to become a member and start earning
Also know that:
1. The earnings on the site fluctuates based on the revenue the site generates.
2. You don't earn more when you make multiple comments on a single post, you only get paid for one comment.
2. You don't earn more when you make multiple comments on a single post, you only get paid for one comment.
3. Recently, there has been a reduction on earnings due to the behaviour of people who commented jargons on people's posts, those people are after accumulating so much earnings that they went around making insensitive and irrelevant comments on posts which caused the admins to reduce the comment earnings.
So if you know yourself to be one of those, please stop and at least read the headlines and comment based on the headline or topic.
Thank you for reading!

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