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I Bet You Didn't Know It Snows In Africa
~2.4 mins read
I was equally shocked when I realized it snows in Africa.
The common mindset is that snow is for the 'oyibo'. For us in this part of the world, it either rains or it shines. When I was younger, I remember in boarding school, we were outside our classrooms watching the torrents pour down. Imagine my excitement when I saw some pellets of what I thought was snow fall on the zinc in quick succession. Honestly, I can't really say for sure what I saw now that I think of it.
Perhaps you have a similar experience. Probably, your younger mind has always yearned for the answer to this one question; does it snow in Africa.
Well, you have an answer now. It snows in Africa. Africa is the hottest continent in the world with roughly of it occupied by deserts and drylands. Two key weathers in many parts of Africa are rainy and dry season. In some places however, instead of raining, it snows. Notwithstanding, erratic weather is a strong feature of the astonishing continent.
However, snows are not a common occurrence even in the countries listed below. Also, just have in mind that snows are restricted mostly to the mountainous parts of south and East Africa. Little in the north and west.
Johannesburg, South Africa.
Located on a high veld plateau, where it gets a climate of the sub tropical highland. During winter, temperatures fall below freezing point resulting in the fall of snow.
Snow in the East African country is not a common sight. However the top mount Kenya which is Africa's second tallest mountain(next to mount Kilimanjaro of Tanzania) is constantly covered with snow. It's precincts can have their fair share of snow on very cold winter nights.
Possibly Namibia
Lesotho. This is the coldest country in Africa. Known for it's towering mountains, the roughly 2.5 million people populated country is a small one. Landlocked/surrounded by South Africa, Lesotho is a popular ski resort as is every snowy country in Africa.
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