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How To Startup Your Own Catfish On Your Compound With Little Money
~1.8 mins read
Good day my people.
Today am going to tell you how you can start a catfish farm in your compound with as little as you have and make profit.
First of all,its true what you heard about catfish farm being a very lucrative business nd no they aint expensive to establish,all you need are the dos and don't.
First of all in catfish production,there are stages or section and in each section they are very lucrative, from hatchery to selling or smoking the catfish to feed production and sales but the most profitable amongs them is rearing the catfish themselves.
Now in some places,1kg of catfish is sold for 800- 1000 naira, now imagine you only 500 catfish nd you sell them for 1k/ catfish, do the math urself.
 Now before starting a catfish farm,there are things one need to know before starting.
1. Having knowledge of catfish production: just like any other business,on catfish production one need to have all the knowledge of the business eventhough we advice practice but one need to know things like what specie grow faster,how long,how to take KIA of them and all of that.
2. Capital: before going into catfish production one need to consider his/ her capital as in how much one has at hand. For example if one has like 200k,he/ she can start if the pond is available and the type of pond use also shud be considered as well as the size bcz the basic problem today is that people over populate their pond.
3. Pond size: pond size is very important. For example if i have 200k and a Go water tank of 1000 liters,i can start a catfish of about 100
4. Water management and feeding routine: this is also another important thing people dont take into consideration and this is basically the key and factor that determined if u do well or not,its not the number of feed you use but how you feed them. For example; a pond of 100 fishes  run by two different people, one feeds them with 10- 12 bags till maturity and get his result nd profit while another feeds same with more than 18 bags and still does not get the result.simple feeding routine.
5. Sorting: this is one thing a good catfish farmer must do if he wants a good output and this is simply separate the biggest ones 4rm the smaller one ones every two month if not,there will be high rate of cannibalism...
Thanks and please comment if you have questions,request or help.



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