
Selective Mutism (phobia, Trauma And Depression): My Life Is More Like A Research That Am Yet To Find Out.
~12.8 mins read
These past few weeks has been something else for me, I had a lot on my mind and a lot of things to do. The funny part is not just that I had a lot, I also fell sick (typhoid and malaria) which I treated and took my drugs but that was not all, I felt so depressed about the things going on in my life for a long time (My family).
This emotional stress I have been passing through has affected my life in a way generally tho i have it in control and which i still do but i had to see a psychologist because it got worse this month due to a recent family issues.

In my first year in school, I was so interested in psychology that I had to take a course in future learn on mental health nature and nurture which I later wrote an article on based on my on view but experiencing these things for real made me realise that I was actually correct with the solution I gave.
I even had to go through some books and articles on psychology, personally on my own without minding it wasn't my course of study in school.
I was doing all these things based on interest without knowing how useful and important these actions will help and turn my life better. Sincerely, am grateful to God for bringing me this far and still amazed at myself and how things are working out for me just like that on its own. It might not sound like a big deal to you but it's to me because my life is more like a research that am yet to know and find out more about.

Recently in Nigeria there has been so many cases of depression and suicide in the country which is also one of the reasons why am serious with my research ( tho is personal research using myself as a case study) and also telling my story to let other people be aware of these things.
As it is for how many weeks now, I have been travelling for weekends from school back at home in order to see my therapist which I am supposed to travel again this weekend for my assessments and test.

All these while I was going through this (fighting my depression), it made me withdraw from school activities (eg school politics) and some social activities that I felt I couldn't keep up with so that I can try managing my circle including my studies.

One thing is recognising your problem and the other is finding a solution to it. All these cases of suicide due to depression should be controlled and eliminated in Nigeria. We have to learn to ask for help when we need it by seeing a psychologist if your depression is getting out of control, parents and guidance should also help in being cautious of their children and wards to know when these changes starts.

Meaning Of Selective Mutism.

Mutism by Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary is a medical condition in which a person is unable to speak.
Selective mutism is a disorder where a child doesn't speak in some situations because of phobia whereas the child can speak and understand spoken language. It can be a family and relative mutism, social or societal mutism. The disorder is more common in girls than boys and it starts at the early age to show some signs.

Phobia is a strong, persistent fear of certain situations, objects, activities or persons.

Phobia by Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary.
(1) A strong unreasonable fear of something.
(2) A strong unreasonable fear or hatred of a particular thing.

For example: A child can be comfortable speaking at home with family members and relatives but can't speak in school or social.
A child can be comfortable speaking in school or social gatherings but can't at home with family members and relatives.
A child can be comfortable speaking on phone but can't while face to face etc.


The major cause of this disorder is phobia plus is genetically inclined(it can be social anxiety or other anxiety disorders) and life experiences. It is not caused by abuse or trauma. The important thing to know about this disorder is that the child doesn't choose to be silent because of fear which is beyond the conscious control.


One major signs of this, is when a child being very shy and avoids speaking when talking is expected whereas there is no problem with speaking and understanding language. Also, when the child is often afraid or anxious of speaking because of embarrassment or saying the wrong thing.
It can lead to trauma and depression if not noticed or given attention to because children are vulnerable to trauma.

Trauma by Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary
(1) A mental condition caused by severe shock, especially when the harmful effects last for a long time.
(2) An unpleasant experience that makes you feel upset and anxious.
(3) An injury.

Children are vulnerable to trauma and some sources can be domestic violence or any violence at all, witnessing something shocking etc.

Symptoms of trauma:

Racing heart beat, fatigue, emotional outburst, mood swings, anxiety, anger, sometimes shaken and disoriented etc

Depression by Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary.
(1) Medical condition in which a person feels very sad and anxious and often has physical symptoms such as being unable to sleep etc.
(2) The state of feeling very sad and without hope.
(3) A period when there is little economic activity and many people are poor or without jobs.
(4) A part of a surface that is lower than the parts around it.
(5) A weather condition in which the pressure of the air becomes lower, often causing rain.

According to the latest figures released by the World Health Organization (WHO), Nigeria has been ranked as the most depressed in Africa showing that Nigeria has 7,079,815 sufferers of depression, that is 3.9 per cent of the population. Depression often follows stressful events that severely affect emotional wellbeing, such as marital problems, death of a loved one, illness, financial crisis and lots more.  Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, and a major contributor to the overall global burden of disease, according to WHO.
Depression can lead to suicide, which is the second leading cause of death in 15 – 29-year- old’s globally. There has been a dramatic rise in suicide cases in Nigeria of late which is widely reported and recorded by the media especially on social media videos and posts. While depression sometimes runs in families, many with the illness have no family history of depression. Hence, the exact causes of depression and mood disorders in general are still unconfirmed.


Depression (major depressive disorder) is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects peoples’ mood, how they feel, the way they think and how they act. Fortunately, i believe it can't be cured but managed. Depression causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed by such people. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and can decrease a person’s ability to function at work and at home. Due to life challenges and conditions,one tends to break down at some point if not handled properly and sometimes leads to depression which is why it's managed and not cured because there is a possibility of repeated occurrance.
Common signs and symptoms of clinical depression may include:
Feelings of sadness, tearfulness, emptiness or hopelessness
Loss of interest or pleasure in most or all normal activities, such as sex, hobbies or sports
Sleep disturbances, including insomnia (sleeplessness) or sleeping too much
Tiredness and lack of energy, so even small tasks take extra effort
Reduced appetite and weight loss or increased cravings for food and weight gain
Anxiety, agitation or restlessness
Slowed thinking, speaking or body movements
Feelings of worthlessness or guilt, fixating on past failures or self-blame
Difficulty with thinking, concentrating, making sound decisions and remembering things
Frequent or recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts or suicide
We must not fail to note that these symptoms must last for at least two weeks to be considered relevant for a diagnosis of depression.
Also, some medical conditions (e.g., thyroid problems, a brain tumor or vitamin deficiency) can mimic symptoms of depression. Therefore, it is important that the medical care giver rules out general medical causes before making diagnosis for depression.


The exact cause of depression is not known. Many researchers believe it is caused by chemical changes in the brain. This may be due to a problem with your genes, or triggered by certain stressful events. More likely, it’s a combination of both.
But depression can also occur if you have no family history of the illness. Anyone can develop depression, even children.  
The following may play a role in depression:
Alcohol or drug abuse
Certain medical conditions, including underactive thyroid, cancer, or long-term pain
Certain medications such as steroids
Sleeping problems
Stressful life events, such as:
Breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend
Failing a class
Death or illness of someone close to you
Childhood abuse or neglect or Job loss
Social isolation (common in the elderly




Psychotherapy, or “talk therapy,” is sometimes used alone for treatment of mild depression; for moderate to severe depression, psychotherapy is often used in along with antidepressant medications. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been found to be effective in treating depression. CBT is a form of therapy focused on the present and problem solving. CBT helps a person to recognize distorted thinking and then change behaviors and thinking.
Psychotherapy may involve only the individual, but it can include others. For example, family or couples therapy can help address issues within these close relationships. Group therapy involves people with similar illnesses.
Depending on the severity of the depression, treatment can take a few weeks or much longer. In many cases, significant improvement can be made in 10 to 15 sessions.
This involves the use of medication in the management of depression. The patients need to meet a medical expert for proper diagnosis and to prescribe the appropriate medication.
Adjunctive Therapies Can Come In The Form Of:
Self-help and coping: There are several things people can do to help reduce the symptoms of depression. For many people, regular exercise helps create positive feeling and improve mood. Getting enough quality sleep on a regular basis, eating a healthy diet and avoiding alcohol (a depressant) can also help reduce symptoms of depression.

Nutritional supplementation: Recent research has focused on the role of nutrition in the management of depression. We know that the production of neurotransmitters needs adequate amounts of nutrients. Among these nutrients, we mention amino acids (tryptophan, tyrosine, and glutamine), minerals (zinc, copper, iron, magnesium), and B vitamins (B6, B12, folic acid). These are found in whole grains (zinc, copper, magnesium), eggs, cheese, yogurt (tyrosine, glutamine, zinc, magnesium), beans, vegetables, especially green leaf ones, broccoli, cabbage, spinach, corn, fish, poultry, etc.

Amino acids are molecules the body needs to produce the neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine(chemicals responsible for mood regulation. i.e feel good chemicals). These neurotransmitters are responsible for modulation of moods and are therefore essential in the management of depression. 
I was going through my quora digest today and found this story. After reading it, I felt like is connected to this topic and I decided to share the story here.

Kyli Mankey
Kyli Mankey, Cook/Bar Back (2014-present)


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These things are very important and social awareness are needed to let people know about this problems. Some are going through the same issue but aren't aware of what is exactly their problem. The word Selective mutism isn't common in the world or rather in Nigeria unlike depression but people tend to forget that depression is just an after effect of a cause.


Waterleaf And Waterleaf Juice Its Benefits And Effects On Pregnancy
~5.7 mins read

Waterleaf And Waterleaf Juice Its Benefits And Effects On Pregnancy. Waterleaf is a green plant that reoccurs without cessation throughout the year. They are consumable without causing harm to one’s health as it is used in cooking soup and stew in some parts of the world popularly Nigeria.

Waterleaf botanically referred to as Talinum triangulare is mainly seen in the rainy season. It grows naturally just like weeds. It is mainly found in the South.

It is called Gbure in Yoruba, Mgbolodi in Igbo, Ebe dondon or Efor in Edo. Waterleaf is a perishable plant it can remain fresh for a short period just like every other vegetable.

Although waterleaf is a vegetable and contains essential nutrients, it is underrated and not valued compared to other vegetables. To some persons, it is weeds that grow all year that should be uprooted.

Waterleaf And Waterleaf Juice Its Benefits And Effects On Pregnancy

Waterleaf and waterleaf juice its benefits and effect on pregnancy

Waterleaf mainly contains water, protein, and other nutrients. Some of the benefits of consuming this vegetable include;

Improves blood cells

Waterleaf contains Nitrogen, vitamins, and herbal extracts to enhance muscular development. It is also important in the development of blood cells i.e red and white blood cells.

Enable Organs and Tissues to Function Properly

The main component of waterleaf is water and the body uses water in all its cells, organs, and tissues to function properly.

It moistens tissues such as those in the mouth, eyes, and nose, regulates the body temperature, lubricates joints, and helps dissolve minerals and other nutrients to make them accessible to the body. It supplies oxygen and blood to where needed in the body.

Eliminates Infection and Diseases

Waterleaf contains nutrients that are essential for the treatment of diseases. It is mainly used locally by traditional healers for treating malaria, typhoid, wound, etc. Juice can be made from it and it is advised by traditional healers to be taken every morning to wash the body system and prevent some sicknesses and diseases.

Eases Digestion

It has been proven through research that waterleaf prevents dehydration and constipation. Therefore, it aids proper digestion of food. Fresh or boiled water leaf used in cooking soup or stew should be eaten by those having issues with digestion.

Waterleaf makes the enzymes in the stomach act on existing food and enables you to empty your bowels thereby preventing constipation or difficulty to stool.

Aids Weight Loss

Waterleaf contains fiber and water. Fiber aids Weight loss. People who add more fiber in their diet lose more weight than those who follow a healthy dieting plan.

Constant intake of fiber promotes weight loss by reducing appetite thereby making one not have the urge to eat as often as they would have.

The water contained in waterleaf also helps in weight loss as it is 100% free from calories.

Prevent Heart Disease and Stroke

Constant eating of waterleaf daily can prevent the possibility of heart disease. Just like other vegetables, it keeps the body fit and healthy.

It also protects against heart disease, structural problems, blood clot and high blood pressure (hypertension)

It enhances Cognitive Ability

Waterleaf improves one’s mental ability, perception, reasoning, and retaining ability.

It boosts the neutrons and cerebrum to enhance retentive memory.

Pharmacological uses

Waterleaf has quite a several pharmacological such as

  • It acts as an agent that prevents counteract inflammation.
  • It inhibits the growth of fungi, antimycotic
  • It acts as an agent that kills bacterial
  • It can be used to prevent hypertension
  • Treatment of Diabetes

    Waterleaf controls the sugar level of the body. A diabetic patient is advised to eat water leaf/ water leaf soup regularly

    Most of the food that constitutes a standard diet for some people contain a high quantity of glucose. Waterleaf is calorie and glucose-free thereby keeping us fresh and healthy.

    Do you know that juice can be made from a water leaf? A liquid can be extracted from the vegetable to get vitamins and minerals. This is called Juicing.

    How waterleaf Juice can be made

    Slice the waterleaf into a bowl (slice both the leave and the stem)

    Put the waterleaf in a blender, add enough water and blend it till it’s very smooth. Filter the liquid into a bowl and blend the extract to get more liquid

    Combine all the liquid and sieve to prevent the juice mixing with some particles. Then you are left with a dark green liquid.

    Your juice is ready.

    Waterleaf for a pregnant woman

    Waterleaf is a very safe and healthy vegetable for a pregnant woman. It is referred to as a blood-pumping machine because of its ability to produce blood in the human body.

    It helps to increase the blood level of a pregnant woman and help improve her health generally by supplying her with other essential nutrients.

    ~0.8 mins read
    While passing a motor park,  you'll hear bus conductors shouting their different destinations to anyone that is passing.

    Here is the deal..., 
    *They talk to over a 100 people, looking for 14 passengers going to the same direction, just to fill a 14 seater bus,*  they don't get discouraged if you are not going to their destination. *They do that several times daily*, that's how life and business is, do not expect everyone to be heading to your destination. Some dont believe that they can drive a brand new car, some don't believe that they can be a landlord or landlady. As you talk to many people you are sorting, looking for the right people!
    *keep talking to people to get the few that will skyrocket your business

    *Dont get Discouraged if you must succeed in business*,  and never you stop telling people about the opportunity that abounds. Keep spreading the seed, some will fall on a rock, thorn, sandy soil, fertile ground etc. Some will, some won't, so what next? Move forward!

    *Success is never by ch

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    Cinque Terre
    Fungus Foot: Symptoms, Prevention And Those At Risk
    ~2.7 mins read

    Tinea pedis commonly called fungus foot is a fungal infection of the skin that usually occurs in the sole of the feet and inter-digits spaces (between the toes of the feet). It could sometimes be seen in the fingers.

    Just like most fungal infections, it is very contagious and can be easily transmitted. This disease condition is common among athletes and people with sweaty feet.

    The fungus was discovered in 1888 mostly among athletes hence the name- Athletic feet. The fungus attacks the feet because shoes create the perfect environment (warm, dark and moist) in which fungus thrives.

    Most fungi infection and infestation occurs on the outermost layer of the skin particularly, areas of the body where the skin folds. Examples of such places include; genitals, pubic regions, under the breast, between digits of the toes, fingers, etc.

    These places create a thriving environment for the development of the organism- warm and moist. It seems people with skin folds as a result of fats are likely to suffer more from fungus infection. However, this should not be of great concern as fungi infection is more easily treated now than a few years ago when researchers were still trying to figure out how to combat fungi infections.

    Fungus Foot: Symptoms, Prevention And Those At Risk Athlete’s foot

    Mode of Transfer

    Tinea pedis/fungus foot can be acquired through direct contact with an infected person, or direct contact with contaminated surfaces such as socks, showers, shoes, locker room floors, and around swimming pools as well as stagnant waters, etc.

    Symptoms of Fungus Root

    Symptoms of fungus root could be mild and severe. It varies from one person to another. Some of the known symptoms include;

  • Peeling or cracking skin
  • Scaling and breaking of the skin in the affected area
  • Itching or burning sensations on the affected area
  • Erythema, and erosion of the skin of the affected area
  • Blister formation
  • Yellowish coloration of the nails
  • Inflammation of the surrounding skin
  • Ulcer
  • Those at Risk

    Truth is that there is no particular class of people that get infected with the fungus foot as anyone could be infected but there are certain factors that increase the chance/risk of being infected with athlete’s foot and these include:

  • Walking with barefoot around locker rooms, showers, and swimming pools
  • Sharing stockings, shoes and towels with an infected person
  • Having sweaty feet
  • Wearing tight cover shoes
  • Having a toe injury or nail injury
  • Wearing damp socks and shoes
  • Fungus Foot: Symptoms, Prevention And Those At Risk Nails Infection


  • Keep your feet dry as much as you can to inhibit its effects
  • When you are at home, go barefoot to expose your toes to air
  • Regularly change your socks especially once they appear moist
  • Wear well-ventilated shoes for aeration
  • Avoid wearing shoes made of synthetic materials like rubber
  • Continuously change your shoes to allow worn shoes to dry off before wearing
  • Wear waterproof shoes to swimming pools and locker rooms
  • Don’t share clothing with anyone especially inner wears
  • See a medical officer for symptoms you don’t understand!

    Appendicitis: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment
    ~4.2 mins read

    The appendix is a small, tube-like mass of tissue that is formed from the extension of the large intestine/colon located in the lower- right abdomen.

    This sac-like tissue is medically known as Vermiform Appendix (it means work like appendage)

    Appendicitis and Causes

    Appendicitis is the inflammation of the appendix. In many African countries, it is believed that Appendicitis is caused by the ingestion of small hard particles such as guava seeds and small pebbles of sand.

    Though this erroneous theory has led to debate and researches and is false. However, some persons still believe this erroneous theory to date.

    Appendicitis of the appendix that leads to the colon/large intestine is blocked by either stool or mucous.

    This blockage can lead to the proliferation of the bacteria present in the tissue thus infecting the lining of the appendix and causing inflammation.

    If adequate attention is not provided to monitor this development, the inflammation may result in the death of the cells and tissue of the appendix which may rupture or burst, leading to a medical emergency that may require urgent surgical removal.

    Function of the Appendix

    It has been shown that apart from humans, domestic animals do not possess an appendix. It is however believed that the appendix is a vestigial organ- without any known function.

    Researchers have discovered that in the fetus; the appendix appears to contain endocrine cells about the 11th week of development.

    These endocrines cells produces various form of amine and peptide hormones (chemical substances) that helps in various biological control and homeostatic mechanism.

    Shortly after birth, the appendix accumulates mass of lymphatic tissues which aids in immune function.

    The appendix functions as a lymphatic organ, producing immunoglobulin and antibodies which help fight off invading organism thus boosting the body’s immune and inflammatory responses.

    The appendix is also packed with good bacteria – normal flora that aids in digestion.

    This helps to prevent various digestive disorders and constipation.

    During surgery, parts of the appendix tissue can be used to patch part of the damaged intestine.

    It can also be used to make a construct for urinary bladder during urinary complications and many more.

    Despite the enormous function of the appendix outlined above, some researchers and medical personnel still believe the theory that the appendix is a useless remnant of human evolution. Thus it can be discarded when the need arises.

    Symptoms of Appendicitis

    The symptoms of appendicitis include the following;

  • Pain in the lower right abdominal region
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Swollen abdomen
  • Fever
  • Painful urination
  • Severe menstrual cramps
  • Constipation/diarrhea
  • Read Also; Guava Health Benefits and its Appendix Conspiracy


    If you happen to have any of the above symptoms, please endeavor to see medical personnel for other examination and confirmation.

    Further examination may include; rectal examination, CT scan, and ultrasound.

    Treatment of Appendicitis

    Depending on the severity of the inflammation, appendicitis can be treated in two (2) ways.

    However, both ways require a surgical operation. The first surgical operation may be to remove or drain the abscess caused by the inflammation and the other is the removal of the appendix- a medical procedure which is referred to as Appendectomy.

    The patient is placed on antibiotics before and after surgical operations are carried out to treat an infection that may/must have occurred.


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    Cinque Terre
    Skin Bleaching: Side Effects, Warnings And Safer Alternatives
    ~5.1 mins read

    One of the most common struggles these days is the quest to be a light-skinned girl or boy. This has made many to go for bleaching products such as bleaching creams, pills, soaps, and professional treatments with the use of laser therapy and chemical peels.

    Unfortunately, little or no attention has been paid to the side effects most especially with chemicals that have been found to have ill health on humans.

    You must know that there are no health benefits of bleaching your skin but if you are considering lightening your skin go for natural and organic product that has no health implications.

    What does bleaching do to your body?

    The melanin content in an individual varies due to genetic factor and people with dark skin has more melanin than does with light complexion. 

    Melanin is a natural pigment produced by skin cells called melanocytes. These cells are the same in every human but some persons make more melanin than others. The color of your skin, hair, and eyes depends on the amount and type of melanin that you have.

    When you use bleaching creams such as those that contain hydroquinone, it affects your melanin concentration by reducing it, making your skin to be lighter.

    Bleaching Chemicals and Side effects

    Many bleaching products have been banned in many countries because of the dangers and side effects that are associated with it.

    A notice was also issued by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2006 to desist from over the counter (OTC) skin bleaching products that have not be proven to be safe for use.


    This is one of the most common chemicals found in bleaching products which is a strong inhibitor of the production of melanin by melanocytes. Hence preventing the dark skin from retaining its skin color.

    Side effects

    This chemical is a probable cause of cancer. Studies show that hydroquinone was found to cause leukemia in mice and other animals. Other side effects include;

  • Skin redness 
  • Dryness
  • Inflammatory reaction
  • Dermatitis
  • Mercury

    This is another chemical you need to watch out in your skin products as it is found in many skin whiteners. It is found in cream in the form of mercury (ii) chloride or ammoniated mercury (active ingredients).

    Side effects

    Skin whitening product with this chemical was banned in the USA (1990) and Europe in 1976. This chemical can accumulate in the skin gradually and result in serious negative effects in the long term.

    Some signs that you are putting mercury on your skin are;

  • Itching of the skin
  • Feeling of rough and dry skin
  • Muscle pain
  • Weakness
  • Kojic Acid

    This is another product to watch out for, though not very common in cosmetic ingredient formulation.

    Kojic acid is gotten from the fermentation of malting rice which is used in the production of Japanese rice wine.

    Studies have shown that kojic acid is also effective for inhibiting the production of melanin.

    Side Effects

    This chemical is carcinogenic, causes skin irritation, and allergic contact dermatitis.

    Safer Alternatives


    One safe skin product chemical that can help you lighten up your skin is arbutin. It is gotten from the leaves of blueberry, cranberry, bearberry, and also found in pears.

    It is a plant extract that has been medically proven to be safe for skin lightening.

    Azelaic acid 

    This is found in grains such as wheat, barley, and rye. It is also used to treat skin problems like acne as it kills acne bacteria that infect skin pores.

    It can also be used for the treatment of skin pigmentation like post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and melasma especially in those with darker skin. 

    Research has shown that it is safe for skin lightening and should be used instead of hydroquinone.


    Skin product containing niacinamide has been confirmed to be a much safer alternative for skin and genitalia whitening.

    Niacinamide improves skin health by treating acne, increases skin moisture and help reduce wrinkles. 

    Natural Home Remedies to Lighten your Skin

  • The regular use of papaya soap can help lighten your skin
  • Lemon juice and yogurt are excellent natural mild bleach that can help lighten your skin
  • The use of ground turmeric, olive oil and chickpea flour
  • Milk can also be used as it is a natural skin bleacher. 
  • The use of oatmeal and tomato juice 
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