~0.9 mins read

guys usually think they can eat anything they want without gaining weight. They believe they can eat junk food all day because they have a fast metabolism. Some think they cant gain weight because they dont digest the food they eat, are stressed out, or have worms

Heres the truth: you can eat everything you want without gaining weight because you dont eat a lot. I know you think you do, but you dont otherwise you wouldnt be skinny. Really.

Track your daily caloric intake for proof. Spend the next week logging everything you eat in an app like myfitnesspal. Youll see youre not eating that many calories. This is the main reason why youre not gaining weight. Skinny men always overestimate how much they eat.

This doesnt mean a high metabolism doesnt exist. Some people have a harder time gaining weight because theyre more active (hardgainers tend to fidget more). Others are naturally skinny because they have small frames and thus arent born to be big and strong (ectomorphs).

But every skinny guy, hardgainer and ectomorph who eats more calories than he burns gains weight. It doesnt matter if you have a high metabolism, skinny build, or bad genetics. The only difference is that youll need to eat more food than the average person to put on weight and get bigger.

5 Golden Laws Of Wealth
~1.8 mins read

5 Golden Laws Of Wealth

If you observe carefully, you will realize that life is governed by laws and principles and only those that understand these principles or laws tend to make it in life. Just like most things in life, wealth creation and retention have laws that govern them. The fact that wealthy people understand and master these laws is what keep increasing their success rate. Here are five laws of wealth everyone should know:

1]: Law Of Compulsory Saving- This law states that you must compulsorily save at least 20% of every money you  earn. You must learn to keep a part of all you earn in savings if you really want to build wealth. This is because there is a seed in all your earning that is meant to be set aside to produce for for you in the coming days. Eating all your seed make you go hungry during harvest.

2]: Law Of Investment- This law states that you engage your savings to work for you by putting it in an investment platform that guarantees regular returns on investment. Savings without investment will make you run at a loss.

3]: Law Of No Debt- This law states that you must avoid debt at all cost. Whatever it is you cannot afford at the moment you must compulsorily learn to avoid it.

4]: Law Of Personal Improvement- This law states that you must improve yourself so that you can increase your income. You should embark on the journey of personal development, learning of skill and acquisition of knowledge because the more you learn the more you will earn.

5]: Law Of Diversification: This law states that you must learn to diversify your income sources. It is wise to earn from different sources as this can help secure your earnings and prevent colossal losses.

Do you wish to build wealth and become successful by applying all these laws? Do you desire an investment platform that is guaranteed to give you 40% return on your investment?

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