Police Arrest Canada-based Nigerian Woman For Vowing To ‘kpai’ Her Compatriots
~0.4 mins read

Police operatives in Toronto, Canada have arrested a Nigerian woman, Amaka Sunnberger, who vowed to ‘kpai’ Nigerians of Yoruba and Benin descent in a viral video.

She was arrested on Sunday, September 1, 2024.

The police in a statement said, “She has been charged with: Uttering Thr€@ts and is scheduled to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice, 2201 Finch Avenue West on Monday, September 2nd, 2024, at 10:00am in courtroom 107.

This investigation is being treated as a suspected h@t£-motivated offence.“

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Strategies To Stay Relevant In The 21 Century
~0.9 mins read
To stay relevant in the 21st century, consider the following strategies:

1. _Embrace lifelong learning_: Continuously update your skills and knowledge to keep pace with technological advancements and industry trends.

2. _Adapt to change_: Be open to new ideas, perspectives, and experiences. Agility and flexibility are key in today's fast-paced world.

3. _Develop a growth mindset_: Believe that your abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. Stay curious and eager to learn.

4. _Build a strong online presence_: Establish a professional online profile, engage on social media, and create content to showcase your expertise.

5. _Network and collaborate_: Foster connections with others in your industry and beyond. Collaborate on projects and share knowledge to stay informed and build relationships.

6. _Stay curious and innovative_: Encourage creativity, explore new ideas, and experiment with new approaches.

7. _Prioritize self-care and well-being_: Maintain a healthy work-life balance, prioritize physical and mental health, and cultivate resilience.

8. _Embrace diversity and inclusion_: Recognize the value of diverse perspectives, cultures, and experiences. Foster an inclusive environment that promotes equity and belonging.

By implementing these strategies, you'll be better equipped to navigate the complexities of the 21st century and remain relevant in your personal and professional life.

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5 Professional Skills That Can Help You Earn A Steady Income
~0.9 mins read
Here are five professional skills that can help you earn a steady income:

1. _Digital Marketing_: With businesses shifting online, digital marketing skills are in high demand. Learn about SEO, social media marketing, and Google Analytics to help businesses grow their online presence.

2. _Software Development_: As technology advances, the need for skilled software developers continues to rise. Learn programming languages like Python, JavaScript, or HTML/CSS to create software solutions.

3. _Data Analysis_: Companies need professionals who can interpret data to make informed decisions. Develop skills in data visualization tools like Tableau, Power BI, or Excel to uncover insights.

4. _Content Creation_: High-quality content is essential for businesses to engage with their audience. Develop writing, video production, or photography skills to create compelling content.

5. _Cloud Computing_: As companies move to the cloud, professionals with expertise in AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud are in high demand. Learn about cloud infrastructure, migration, and management.

These skills are highly sought after in the job market and can lead to well-paying careers. Remember to stay up-to-date with industry trends and continuously develop your skills to remain competitive.

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5 Tips To Know You Are On Purpose
~1.0 mins read
Here are five tips to help you know you're on purpose:

1. *Alignment with values*: Your actions and goals align with your core values and beliefs. When you're living on purpose, you'll feel a sense of congruence and authenticity.

2. *Passion and excitement*: You feel passionate and excited about your work or activities. When you're doing something that truly matters to you, you'll feel energized and motivated.

3. *Flow and engagement*: You experience a state of flow and engagement, where time seems to fly by, and you're fully absorbed in the moment. This is a sign that you're using your strengths and talents.

4. *Positive impact*: You're making a positive impact in the world, whether it's through your work, relationships, or community. When you're on purpose, you'll feel a sense of contribution and meaning.

5. *Inner peace and fulfillment*: You feel a deep sense of inner peace and fulfillment, even in the midst of challenges. When you're living on purpose, you'll feel grounded and content, knowing that you're on the right path.

Remember, being on purpose is a journey, not a destination. It's okay to adjust and refine your path as you go. By paying attention to these signs, you'll be more likely to stay on track and live a life that truly reflects your values and passions.

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5 Facts About Single Ladies
~0.8 mins read
Here are five facts about single ladies based on various studies and research:

1. *Increased independence*: Single ladies are more likely to prioritize their own needs and goals, leading to increased independence and self-reliance.

2. *Improved mental health*: Studies have shown that single women tend to have better mental health and lower rates of depression compared to their married counterparts.

3. *Financial empowerment*: Single ladies are more likely to take control of their finances, invest in themselves, and build wealth.

4. *Stronger social connections*: Single women often develop stronger social connections with friends, family, and community, leading to a more supportive network.

5. *Increased self-awareness*: Single ladies tend to have a deeper understanding of themselves, their values, and their desires, leading to greater self-awareness and personal growth.

Remember, these facts are generalizations and may not apply to every individual. Single ladies are a diverse group, and their experiences can vary greatly. However, these facts highlight some common themes and benefits associated with being a single lady.

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How IRT’s Tractor Was Used For Unofficial Duties By… — Retired Senior Police Officer
~1.3 mins read

A retired senior police officer has alleged that the real-time tracking technological platform that once helped the Intelligence Response Team, IRT, to crack many criminal cases ended up being used for ‘unofficial duties’ by politicians.

The officer said this while responding to Vanguard’s question on what went wrong with the system put in place to monitor the locations of kidn@ppers and interception of calls for prompt arrest and rescue of abd¥cted victims.

Recall that the police launched intelligence-led policing in 2015 with the installation of a tracking device that was installed by the then-Inspector-General of Police office, Solomon Arase.

According to Vanguard, the retired officer said: “Solomon Arase set up the platform when he was the IGP. It was a technical platform to track calls. It was mounted in the IGP’s office then and only one officer, who is now an AIG, had access to the technical platform.

The Intelligence Response Team, IRT was supposed to be the operational wing that would work with the technical platform. When the technical team got information, it would pass it to IRT to go to the location and make an arrest. Drones and vehicles were bought for the operation.

But successive IGPs who were analogues didn’t know what to do. They merged the technical platform and IRT. Instead of the platform being used for crime prevention, it became political. People in the National Assembly and Villa got hold of the platform and used it to track their enemies and mistresses.

For such a platform, you don’t give both the technical and the operational units to just one person who would be compromised by politicians. That was the beginning of the collapse of the platform. It requires someone with power and intelligence; someone of a strategic level who is keen on that line. [Swipe]

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