What We Learned From The Global Tech Outage Caused By CrowdStrike
~2.1 mins read

After a CrowdStrike (CRWD) update caused an outage affecting businesses and governments across the world Friday, analysts said there could be lasting implications for the company and the big tech industry.

A defective update by the cybersecurity company disrupted Microsoft (MSFT) platforms, impacting organizations ranging from airlines to the London Stock Exchange. The news sent CrowdStrike shares tumbling Friday, while Microsoft shares were little changed.

The outage could negatively affect CrowdStrike through expenses associated with remedying the situation and damage to its reputation.

Jefferies analysts said that while it's too early to know the exact implications of the outage on the company's financials, the timing is not working in CrowdStrike's favor. The outage happened in the last two weeks of the quarter when the analysts said "a large portion of business is done," raising the likelihood it could weigh down results.

The analysts said that there could be an "expense burden" for the cybersecurity company as it works to appease impacted customers, which will likely mean "credits, discounting or additional free products" affecting margins.

While the analysts highlighted that it's important that the outage was not related to a security issue and that CrowdStrike was transparent with its immediate response, they did say the incident could cause reputational damage that might deter customers and lead CrowdStrike to miss out on potential deals.

While Microsoft was tied to the outage through disruptions to its systems, Jefferies analysts said the impact of the tech giant will likely be "minimal."

Microsoft is "working closely with CrowdStrike and across the industry to provide customers technical guidance and support to safely bring their systems back online," CEO Satya Nadella said in an X post Friday.

The scale of the outage also underlined the danger of consolidation within the tech industry where a few big players have a massive influence on the market, analysts said, and suggested it could draw attention from regulators to examine vulnerabilities in the ecosystem.

"Given the scope of the outage and scale of economic disruption, we expect fresh, louder debates on the limits of vendor consolidation (systemic risk) both across the IT stack and especially cybersecurity," Citi analysts said.

The analysts noted the "outage will garner more political/regulatory attention" as "software vendors have clearly become so large and so interconnected where events like these are plainly showcasing their influence on the greater economic system."

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Breaking: Oshiomole To PDP: ‘Accept It, Okpebholo Is The People's Choice
~2.0 mins read

In a robust defense of Senator Monday Okpebholo, former Edo State Governor and APC stalwart, Adams Oshiomole, has issued a stark rebuttal to the People’s Democratic Party (PDP). Amid growing criticism and political tension, Oshiomole emphatically declared, “Monday Okpebholo is the man the people want, so deal with it.”
The statement comes in response to the PDP’s ongoing objections to Okpebholo's candidacy, questioning his suitability and the legitimacy of his support. Oshiomole, known for his direct and unapologetic style, did not mince words in his endorsement of Okpebholo.
“Monday Okpebholo has consistently demonstrated a deep commitment to the people he represents. His record speaks volumes, and the overwhelming support he has garnered is a testament to his effectiveness and dedication. The people have spoken, and it’s clear they stand with Okpebholo,” Oshiomole stated.
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He went on to challenge the PDP’s narrative, asserting that their criticisms are unfounded and merely a reflection of their political frustration and jealousy. “The PDP needs to come to terms with the reality that Monday Okpebholo is the chosen representative of the people. Rather than resorting to baseless accusations and attempts to undermine his credibility, even threatening his life and security, they should respect the democratic process and the will of the electorate,” he added.

Senator Okpebholo, who has been a vocal advocate for various social and infrastructural projects in his constituency, expressed gratitude for Oshiomole's support. “I am honored to have the endorsement of a leader like Adams Oshiomole and now the deputy governor if edo state Phillip Shaibu. My commitment to the people remains unwavering, and I will continue to work tirelessly to fulfill their trust and expectations,” Okpebholo remarked.
The political landscape in Edo State has been highly charged, with both the APC and PDP vying for dominance. Okpebholo’s candidacy has been a focal point of contention, highlighting the broader struggle for political influence in the state.

Oshiomole’s defense of Okpebholo underscores the APC’s confidence in his leadership and their belief in his ability to deliver on his promises. It also serves as a call to action for Okpebholo’s supporters to rally behind him in the face of opposition.
As the political discourse continues to evolve, one thing remains clear: Monday Okpebholo has emerged as a significant figure in Edo State’s political arena, with a strong backing from influential leaders and a solid base of popular support. Whether the PDP can effectively counter this momentum remains to be seen, but for now, Oshiomole’s message is unequivocal: “Deal with it.”
Actress Stella Damasus’ Third Ex-husband, Daniel Ademinokan, Welcomes A Child From His Third Marriage
~0.2 mins read

Actress Stella Damasus’ third ex-husband, Daniel Ademinokan, has welcomed a child from his third marriage.

Daniel Ademinokan has shared the picture as he celebrate the arrival of the new born.

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GWR: Nigerian Visual Artist, Dr. Fola David, Has Broken The World Record For The Largest Drawing By An Individual
~0.3 mins read

Nigerian visual artist, Dr. Fola David, has broken the World Record for the Largest Drawing by an individual

The largest drawing before now by an individual is 629.98 square meters (6781.04 ft’) and was achieved by Ravi Soni (India) in Rajasthan, India, on 30 November 2021. 30 Nov 2021. Now the new record is 689 square meters.

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Economic Hardship: Nigerian Tiktoker Arrested For Calling For Protest
~1.9 mins read

A Nigerian Tiktoker, Junaidu Abdullahi aka Abusalma, has been remanded in prison custody after posting a viral video calling for mass protest over hardship in the country.

Daily Nigerian reports that Abusalma was allegedly picked by security agents on Wednesday and subsequently taken to Abuja. Confirming the situation to Daily Nigerian, Abusalma’s relative, Mustapha Hamza, said the Tiktoker is currently remanded at Kurmawa prison in Kano.

“He left home in a hurry on Wednesday morning after receiving an urgent call around 8:30am. He left without even eating breakfast. That was the last time his family saw him.We reported the matter to the police station, and they immediately made a radio call, declaring him as a missing person.As we continued searching for his whereabouts, I received a call yesterday (Friday) around 5:30pm, with the caller informing me that Junaidu is at Kurmawa prison in Kano. He further revealed that Court 38 Zungeru Road, Kano ordered his remand and adjourned the case till after three weeks.

Daily Nigerian reports that the Tiktoker recently made a video, saying that any Islamic cleric who spoke against the planned protest should be pulled down from the pulpit. Any religious leader who spoke against peaceful protest over hardship, then he is not part of those suffering. And whoever stops you from expressing your grievances to your leaders through peaceful protest as provided by the constitution, I swear he is not among those who can’t afford a sack of maize at N100,000.

I personally bought a bag of fertilizer at N49,000. That was the price of a sack of maize in the past. As I speak to you now, I gathered that the price of fertilizer has increased. I am not calling for volence or destr·ction, but we will come out and protest in a lawful manner. It is the responsibility of government to deal with those that cause breakdown of law and order during the protest.

The government has allowed terrorists to terrorise the people but they are trying to suppress a protest. Protest does not breed 3rrorism or banditry. If protest will lead to overthrow of the government, so be it. Any cleric who preaches against protest, pull him down from the pulpit… Pull him down! Let’s protest peacefully in order to be heard. We are not calling on government to buy cars or planes or yacht for the masses, we are only after the food to eat,” Abusalma said in the viral video.

But a couple of days after posting the video, Abusalma deleted it and apologised to the Islamic clerics. He also called on people to shun the protest as it may lead to breakdown of law and order.

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Lagos Government Reportedly Set To Start Charging Cars Parked Outside Church Premises Per Hour
~0.8 mins read

The Lagos State government has informed churches that it will commence its on-street parking scheme, which will allow it to charge cars parked on designated streets hourly, Peoples Gazette is reporting.

A notice by the Lagos State Parking Authority (LASPA), dated July 19 and signed by its head of operations, Ayokunle Akinrimisi, said the directive would take effect in October.

The notice, addressed to the branch chairman of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN), said measures would also be taken against cars parked indiscriminately. It read, “I am directed to inform your revered organisation that the Lagos State Parking Authority (LASPA) will be commencing its on-street parking scheme at designated streets within the Lagos State metropolis.”

In view of this, I am using this medium to inform your eminence that vehicles parked on designated streets by the church and its members will be charged hourly and indiscriminately parked vehicles will be enforced upon accordingly.” LASPA advised that the directive “be adhered to as a law-abiding organisation.” However, the agency did not disclose the actual fee to be charged.

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