~0.9 mins read

1. When you meet young people - INSPIRE THEM.

2. When you meet children - EDUCATE THEM.

3. When you meet old people - HELP THEM.

4. When you meet wise people - STUDY THEM.

5. When you meet leaders - HONOUR THEM.

6. When you meet foolish people - AVOID THEM.

7. When you meet humble people - TREASURE THEM.

8. When you meet arrogant people - IGNORE THEM.

9. When you meet gracious people - EMULATE THEM.

10. When you meet  aspirational people - ELEVATE THEM.

11. When you meet strong people - SUPPORT THEM.

12. When you meet godly people - BLESS THEM.

13. When you meet elderly people - RESPECT THEM.

14. When you meet weak people - STRENGTHEN THEM.

15. When you meet hardworking people - ENCOURAGE THEM.

16. When you meet kind people - ESTEEM THEM.

17. When you meet Honest people - 

18. When you meet virtuous people - REWARD THEM.

19. When you meet evil people  - EVADE THEM.

20. And in all situation Watch, Pray and wish everyone well
Is It Possible To Have One Black Parent And One White Parent But Still Look White?
~0.7 mins read
Yes, though a little unusual, it is very possible. I am the youngest of six children born to a Northern European mother and an African-American father. 

Unless I specifically inform people of my mixed race, most people I meet in my adult life just assume I am Caucasian. 

Ive even had people go so far as to ask if I am making it up!? Thats ironic because growing up in the Midwest in the 1970s and 80s life wasnt always that great for people who were different. 
I am grateful that life in the US has improved by leaps and bounds for bi-racial children (it always makes me smile to see them out and about with their parents looking like they dont have a care in the world). But I am a product of my time, and when I was a child, having black and white parents wasnt easy or cool. Today, at nearly 50, I couldnt be prouder of my family or my heritage even if I do look white ;-)

Why You Should Remove These 5 Photos Of Jesus From Your House Immediately
~15.3 mins read

Why You Should Remove These 5 Photos Of Jesus From Your House Immediately

The world knows that 2,000 years ago a man named Jesus came from the town of Nazareth in what is now called Israel. He traveled about the region and gained a large following.

After a few years, the religious leaders in Jerusalem falsely accused him of crimes and handed him over to the Roman authorities. They executed him by nailing him to a cross.

A short time later, his followers preached in the name of Jesus Christ, whom they said rose from the dead.

More and more followers were added to this movement which has become the Christian church of today.

Christians, mostly Catholics are found of putting the supposed Jesus pictures in their house, car, or office.

But when you look closely, all the pictures of Jesus you see, all look different, but people are blinded, making them not to know or see the truth. 

The reason you see the different pictures is because they are all different actors. The pictures you keep in your house, bow to, they are all images of an actor, acting to survive.

Bowing to another man, and even praying to him, claiming he is Jesus, that action alone can bring the anger of God because he detests such.

Below are some of the pictures they bown for thinking is real Jesus.

Photo credit: opera news, Google and Facebook

Have you ever ask your self which among those pictures you hanged is the real Jesus?

If No, am advising you now to stop worshiping any of Jesus' images to avoid God's punishment.

It might interest you to know the followings as a good Christian:

What is Christianity?

Christianity is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.

Its adherents, known as Christians, believe that Jesus is the Christ, whose coming as the Messiah was prophesied in the Hebrew Bible, called the Old Testament in Christianity, and chronicled in the New Testament.

What is Christianity according to the Bible?

A Christian is someone who believes in life after death.

In the book of Romans, the Bible states that the wages of sin are death but the gift from God is eternal life in Jesus Christ. According to the Bible, a Christian is one who believes in eternal life after death.

What is the purpose of Christianity?

The main purpose of Christianity is to encourage people to embark upon a spiritual relationship with the Eternal Creator which will enable them to live a blessed life here on earth and inherit eternal life.

The Creator manifested himself in the form of Jesus Christ to die in our place to make atonement for our sins.

When did Christianity decline?

Starting in 1880 and accelerating after the Second World War, the major religions began to decline among the Dutch, while Islam began to increase.

During the 1960s and 1970s, pillarization began to weaken and the population became less religious.

What are the core beliefs of the Catholic faith?

The core beliefs of the Catholic faith are found in the Nicene Creed. Heres what it says:

I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him, all things were made.

For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man.

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures.

He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic,c, and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

You may also want to know the followings:


much of what we know about Jesus looks is a product of artistic convention.

Since Scripture does not provide a description of what Christ looked like, painters and mosaic-makers would often resort to the artistic canons of their time to create a visual image of the Nazarene. 

This means that some of the earliest depictions of Jesus offer a precious insight into the diverse iconography style of the places and people that made up early Christianity. 

Here is a list of the six most ancient depictions of Jesus known to historians:

1. Alexamenos graffito, 1st century

This graffito, representing a person looking at a donkey-headed man being crucified, was carved in plaster on a wall in Rome during the 1st century. 

If you are feeling confused or offended by its content, thats because it was not created as a celebration of Jesus but rather as a mockery. 

During the 1st century, Christianity was not an official religion and most Romans citizens looked at its practitioners with suspicion and skepticism. 

This graffiti was probably created to make fun of Alexandros, a Christian, by implying that he worshiped a donkey-headed God. The inscription that accompanies the image indeed reads: Alexandro worshiping his god.

And the fact that Alexandros God is being crucified makes it even worse, as during the 1st-century crucifixion was a punishment reserved for serious crime offenders.

2. The Good Shepherd, 3rd century

While the Gospels do not provide us with a physical description of Jesus, they do offer many figurative descriptions to describe him. Perhaps the most striking one is the metaphor of the Good Shepherd. 

In the Gospel of John (10:11 and 10:14), Jesus states: I am the good shepherd the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

So it is not surprising that many early Christian artists choose the image of the shepherd to depict Christ. And they mostly did it by incorporating already existing shepherd motifs typical of Greek and Roman art. 

This image, painted on the walls of the St. Callisto catacomb in Rome, shows Jesus as he is carrying a calf on his shoulder, following the iconic figure of the moskophoros, literally the the bearer of the calf, whose first depiction in ancient Greek art dates to 570 BC.

3. Adoration of the Magi, 3rd century

Another image of Christ presented in the New Testament is the adoration of the Magi, described in Matthew 2:1-12.

As a result, the epiphany was one of the most popular representations of the life of Christ during Christianitys early days. 

This picture of the Magi adoring the Child was produced to decorate a sarcophagus dating to the 3rd century, which is now kept in the Vatican Museum in Rome.

4. Healing of the Paralytic, 3rd century

One of the miracles of Jesus chronicled in the Gospels, Matthew (9:18), Mark (2:112), and Luke (5:1726) see him healing a paralytic man at Capernaum, in modern-day Israel. Since then, that episode has been a recurring feature of Christian iconography. 

This depiction of the healing of the paralytic, dating to the 3rd century, was found on the baptistry of a long-abandoned church in Syria. It is one of the earliest depictions of Christ known to historians.

5. Christ between Peter and Paul, 4th century

This image of Christ, dating to the 4th century, shows him between St. Peter and St. Paul. It was painted in the Catacomb of Sts.

Marcellinus and Peter on the Via Labicana in Rome, located near a villa that used to belong to Emperor Constantine.

Below the main figures of the paintingJesus, Peter, and Paul we find Gorgonius, Peter, Marcellinus, and Tiburtius, four martyrs who had been buried in that catacomb and are depicted as they point to the Lamb of God on his heavenly altar.

6. Christ Pantocrator, 6th century

The Greek word Pantocrator literally means he who has authority over everything.

Thats how two Hebrew expressions used in the Old Testament to describe God, the God of Hosts (Sabaot) and Almighty (El Shaddai), was translated into Greek. 

In order to represent such mighty qualities, Byzantine iconographers made use of features, such as an open right hand, that could convey a sense of power and authority. 

This image is the oldest known example of Christ Pantocrator in the world. 

The different expressions are shown on the right and the left sides of Jesus face may suggest his double nature as both human and divine.

It was painted on a wooden board during the 6th or 7th century and is currently preserved at the Monastery of St.

Catherine on Mount Sinai, in Egypt, one of the oldest monasteries in the world.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to like, share, and drop your comment wisely.

See More Photos Of Aki's Beautiful Wife And Mansion
~3.9 mins read

Chinedu Ikedieze is most popular for playing close by Osita Iheme (Pawpaw) in many motion pictures after their discovery in the comic film Aki na Ukwa in 2002. Around then he was only 25 years of age with nothing, Now, he has vehicles, organizations, a glorious manor and some more. 

With God's elegance and endeavours, He has become famous in Nollywood. He has packed away huge loads of grants and achievements. Beyond question, he would everlastingly be recalled in Nollywood. In 2011, he got hitched to Nneoma Nwaijah, who later became Nneoma Ikedieze. Before the got married, they dated for a very long time and had a ton of time to see each other better. 

See more photos of Aki's lovely wife and mansion below.

Although the marriage is yet to deliver a kid, Chinedu and Nneoma are living cheerfully together. They are not irritated by the absence of kids. On the off chance that this man ever constructed you snicker, benevolently wish him a glad birthday in the remarks segment. 

May God keep on fortifying his marriage and favour them with kids soon. 

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Do These 5 Things If You Don't Know How To Approach A Girl
~3.1 mins read

Approaching a girl on the road is worse than a job interview for some guys. They get tensed when talking to a strange girl for the very first time. This feeling ends up making them to appear creepy while conversing. Others don't even want to approach at all because they are afraid of the embarrassment they might get from any possible rejection.

If you are the type of guy who does not know how to approach a strange girl on the road, or you are probably not ready to face the embarrassment you might get from her rejection, then you may want to read this article carefully to the end to know how to go about your next approach.

One of the things that triggers most rejections from girls is the manner in which some guys present themselves at first sight. If you want to approach a strange girl on the road with the hope of minimizing your rejection rate, then you must do these four things which am about to mention below.

1] Smile.

Having a great smile on your face while approaching a strange girl for the very first time is a very welcome idea. The moment she sees your bright face, she will feel relaxed and be rest assured that you are not a potential threat to her precious life. Because of this, she would feel more secure to stand and listen to anything that you have to say.

2] Use "Please."

Using the word "please" when approaching a strange girl for the very first time is very convincing. Some guys gets rude and overly controlling when approaching a girl; which is not good at all. No girl will stand and talk to you if you approached her rudely. Let her have the feelings that you have great respect for women and i promise you that she will respect you in return.

3] Call Her Pretty.

Calling a girl pretty or beautiful on a first approach is also a very good idea if you want her to stand and listen to whatever you have to say. A very good percentage of girls loves it when they are referred to as beautiful or pretty; it touches a soft spot in their hearts. Do this and she would be compelled to give you lots of time to hear you out.

4] Keep Some Space.

It is very creepy to stop a girl you don't know from Adams and walk up very close to her face. This could make her feel frightened and walk out on you. You need to understand that she needs her own space because she is scared of her life too. And it should behoove you to make sure that she is reassured of her safety while conversing with her by keeping some space from her.

I hope this helps you in your chase? Feel very free to comment, like and share this article for your friends to see too. Do not forget to click the follow button on the top right of this page for more interesting topics.....see you soon.

8 Years After Tchidi Chikere Divorced Her, Stunning Photos Of Sophia Williams Have Hit Social Media
~1.1 mins read
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8 Years After Tchidi Chikere Divorced Her, Stunning Photos of Sophia Williams Have Hit Social Media
By Janet Yeboah - November 21, 2020

Eight (8) years after Nollywood actress, Sophia Williams, was left heartbroken following her divorce with the movie producer, Tchidi Chikere, she has been doing pretty well.

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The beautiful actress, who gained fame after starring in a blockbuster movie titled Soul of Fire, couldnt hold up the lifetime commitment marriage comes after tieing the knot with Tchidi Chikere. They divorced in 2012, reportedly because of incompatibility reasons.

Tchidi Chikere later started dating actress, Nuella Njubigbo, which raised some rumors that, he left Sophia for Nutella because she was pregnant. Which Nutella debunked.

A few years after her failed marriage with Chikere, Sophia started dating Desmond Dozie popularly called Young Mula, who is also an actor.

Though she kept the relationship from the public at the initial stages of their relationship, she, however, made it public via a post on social media, celebrating her boo on his birthday in 2018. The two have since been kicking it.

It was gathered that Young Mula, surprised her with a car on her recent birthday.

Sophia Williams is doing well for herself as an actress, entrepreneur, certified skincare expert, brand ambassador and influencer. She is the brain behind Skinclinic and added glamour boutique and she also owns a perfume line known a