OPINION: Let Our Educated Young Men, Age Limit 18-21 Years Of Age Take Over The New SWAT Team To Be Created.

OPINION: Let Our Educated Young Men, Age Limit 18-21 Years Of Age Take Over The New SWAT Team To Be Created.

OPINION: Let Our Educated Young Men, Age Limit 18-21 Years Of Age Take Over The New SWAT Team To Be Created. Sotty  

4 years ago

~2.7 mins read
Still due to the rising corruption and indiscipline of the Nigerian government, most of the Nigerian arm forces educated aspirants are not granted the opportunity to defend the Nation and the citizens within, instead uneducated and ignorant personnels are placed in positions meant to be for intelligent, educated and informed youths of the public who are willing to be part of the Nation's defences.

I don't see any reason why anyone in the political seat has not known that the cause of this brutality of the so called SARS operatives is due to the ignorant and low education level of these operatives. If the government was transparent and true enough, SARS operatives are men who the public are to rely upon, anywhere we see them we were meant to be proud that we're truly protected, instead whenever these uneducated bastards are seen, the public tends to get tensed cause they know what's coming next. This should be stopped immediately and all operatives of SARS ( I don't care if innocent or not) should be sacked without hesitation from this unit, because if you place the same people in the new SWAT team to be formed, nothing's going to change at all and the brutality is going to be fierce because according to the name SWAT, more tactical weapons and equipment will be handled by this uneducated bastards who don't even know what human rights is called. 

So I suggest, because I know that every nation should have at least a tactical and intelligent team and Nigeria should have it also due to our rise in criminal activities daily, instead of retaking the old naive,ignorant and uneducated fools called SARS into this newly formed SWAT team, most of our young able educated men are still out there seeking to join the armed forces of Nigeria and SWAT operations are all about intelligence and tactics not just going out to get criminals but doing it in a more intelligent manner so that no innocent casualties will be involved or deceased in the operations, so I suggest the IGP reconsiders and place young able and well educated men seeking to join the force, train them to be very tactical and intelligent in all operations that'll be carried out, I know most of our young men has already been educated about the basic human rights, but more education on the human rights should still be given to them, and the legislative arm of government should sign a law that any unlawful act of brutality by any special force or unit to Innocent citizens of the nation should be looked into and the brutal operatives should be prosecuted with immediate effect. The IGP should also make sure the new recruits would av a foundation of at least O' level certification for them to be qualified for this SWAT and applicants to this SWAT team should be at most 18-23 years of age( still young to accumulate more knowledge)
If the government are not truly corrupt I don't know why they wouldn't have thought of this, it will even help most of our young men who only have O' level result and are not opportuned to get into the universities, they can also be used for the betterment of the nation.

So my fellow Nigerians what do we say about this, because if there are no tactical teams in Nigeria, some of our fellow protesters even have negative intentions after SARS has been ended and there are no more sophisticated teams to handle severe criminal cases which would be more harmful to citizens. Believe me, criminals are still out there.

So what do you think should our young ones be placed in this new position or what.
Please share.

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