How To Use Gun

How To Use Gun

3 years ago

~2.0 mins read



Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction.This rule surpasses all other rules. It is a very simple concept, if the firearm is pointed in a safe direction, intentional or accidental discharge will not harm anyone. The safest direction should be chosen, so humans, animals, then inanimate objects are all taken into account.This also includes being sure that when you carry the firearm you are able to fully control the muzzle direction and angle, especially if you are walking, or otherwise traveling (in case you trip or stumble, this is also helped by Rule 3).


Assume that the firearm is always loaded.Even if the firearm is known to be unloaded, it should be treated with the respect of a loaded gun. For example, even though you've just triple checked and know it is unloaded, you still don't point it at people (follow Rule 1 at all times).


Keep your finger off the trigger.[1]This prevents any accidental discharges from a trigger pull.


With a pistol, there is usually an area above the trigger where you can rest your trigger finger (they often call this the "index point"). For rifles or other guns, it is best to remove your whole hand from the area where the trigger is. There are plenty of other safe ways to carry the gun.Along with this, it should be emphasized to not rely on the firearm's safety. While human error is many times more likely to cause a problem, the safety can fail, and pulling the trigger may result in an accidental discharge.Certain pistols don't have manual safeties at all.


In this case, they often have safeties integrated into the trigger, back strap (or grip), or hammer. These types of guns are especially dangerous around inexperienced users. But training and aggressive execution of safety techniques can overcome many of the dangers of a safety-less firearm.Once you are on the line to shoot, do not put your finger on the trigger until you have pointed in on the target. This may be a difficult habit to break as you may feel it is natural to have your finger on the trigger once you think you are wanting to shoot.


Be sure of your target and everything that is downrange.[2]This is important. Now that you have reached the point where you can fire, you want to be absolutely sure of what your target is, and what is behind it. In many cases the bullet fired can go through the target and out the other side. Anything downrange is important to watch. Bullets may strike an intended or unintended target and bounce, ricochet, or otherwise change direction.

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