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A Thousand Likes Doesn't Make The Dead Smile
6 years ago
~1.8 mins read
À thousand likes doesn't make the dead smile It seems to me that after someone dies, some people tend to appreciate them more, they become more popular, they starts trending even more than they were alive and they become more important than they were when they were present in this world. I'm so curious to know all the likes and trending where are all those people when they were alive? Trending for celebration or because you gone and gone for good? I guess some people do not know how to appreciate a person until they pass away What's the use of a flower to the dead? What's the use of praises to the dead?
What is the impect of tears to the dead
kind words and sweet perfume?
After someone dies, don’t say, I wish I had spent more time with this person, I wish I had done things differently and be there for the person and give them more attention, love them and appreciate them more. Do it when the person is alive and can see and feel Not just talk about it, but to act on it. Actions speak louder than words. Care about a person when they are alive, not when they pass away.
When people die their news, on our social media news feeds, news sites and others drastically increase , all their names trending even more, a lot more people begin to talk about a person more, their memory and everything. It matters, but it doesn’t matter in other ways because the person is no longer with us. Yes a legacy lives on and we will remember people, but the most important thing is to spread that energy to these people when they are alive.
Life is too short, be kind to each other, care, love, support, appreciate and be there for each other as much as you can. don’t have these feelings after a person dies and cannot feel it and see it that's when you appreciate
spread the word about how awesome they are before they die, not after.
Doesn’t it make infinitely more sense to be nice to someone who is still alive and primed to benefit from our attention and admiration than dead and permanently beyond caring? Humans never learn from such regrets!
Life is beautiful we could all make each other beautiful too it cost nothing. The world is not perfect but its not that bad if we got each other we all will be fine A thousand likes doesn't make the dead smile. .
What is the impect of tears to the dead
kind words and sweet perfume?
After someone dies, don’t say, I wish I had spent more time with this person, I wish I had done things differently and be there for the person and give them more attention, love them and appreciate them more. Do it when the person is alive and can see and feel Not just talk about it, but to act on it. Actions speak louder than words. Care about a person when they are alive, not when they pass away.
When people die their news, on our social media news feeds, news sites and others drastically increase , all their names trending even more, a lot more people begin to talk about a person more, their memory and everything. It matters, but it doesn’t matter in other ways because the person is no longer with us. Yes a legacy lives on and we will remember people, but the most important thing is to spread that energy to these people when they are alive.
Life is too short, be kind to each other, care, love, support, appreciate and be there for each other as much as you can. don’t have these feelings after a person dies and cannot feel it and see it that's when you appreciate
spread the word about how awesome they are before they die, not after.
Doesn’t it make infinitely more sense to be nice to someone who is still alive and primed to benefit from our attention and admiration than dead and permanently beyond caring? Humans never learn from such regrets!
Life is beautiful we could all make each other beautiful too it cost nothing. The world is not perfect but its not that bad if we got each other we all will be fine A thousand likes doesn't make the dead smile. .
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