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Lust Dreams 4
3 years ago
~1.2 mins read
Rose mum felt uneasy, she knew something was wrong but couldn't tell what exactly. She brought out her phone from her purse. So she would call her only child “Rose”. That was when she saw the message.
Mum, I am sorry for disobeying you. I am on my way to save my relationship.
It was a short message but it meant much to Ire.“Rose mum.”.
Ire tried calling Rose number but it was switched off. She tried continuously, still the same reply. That's when she knew that she had to do something before it is late. Immediately, she ran towards the exit with her purse on her head.
Nothing matters afterwards.
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Ire reached the police station shouting and crying for help, the policemen told her to go home and come back after twenty-four hours. She begged the two poilce men but they sticked to the 24 hours time. As Luck could have it, that was the time the D.P.O arrived.He saw Ire rolling on the floor and the two police men on duty were just shouting at her. Immediately they saw the D.P.O. the stamped their legs and greeted. “What is happening here.” The D.P.O shouted. The two police men didn't say a word as they watched the woman explaining what happened.
“What are you standing here for. Mobilize a ten man force and move to the given location and be fast about it.” The D.P.O ordered.
Previous episodes
Lust Dreams 1
Lust Dreams 2
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