Take A Look At Some Dangers Of Sleeping With Prostitutes
~1.9 mins read
Prostitution is the act of offering sexual for a pay. A prostitute is someone mostly a female who offers sex as an exchange for money.
Prostitution have become a norm in many cities in Nigeria. These prostitutes can be seen on the street dressed half naked especially at night waiting for their clients whom they usually tag as "customer". Most Nigerian prostitutes make up to 20-30 thousand naira per day, and an average prostitutes sleeps with 10-15 men per day.
Many people are ignorant of the dangers of sleeping with prostitutes.
Below are dangers of sleeping with prostitutes.
1. Sleeping with prostitutes affects your income/salary, and further lead to being broke.
Let's assume you earn 50 thousand naira in a month, you spend 10 thousand naira sleeping with prostitutes in a week.
A person like this is left with 10thousand naira out of his 50 thousand naira monthly salary.
2. Once you can't afford to sleep with a prostitute anymore, it leads you to rape/seduce someone for sex.
3. They are sexually transmitted demons/curses and you might get possessed by these demons. Once you have an intercourse with a prostitute, you've signed an agreement with the spirit world stating " your enemies are my enemies, your friends are my friends.
Let's assume the prostitute is carrying 2000 demons, and you sleep with her, automatically the 2000 demons have now become your enemies and they'll start to torment you.
The official website of the US Government Efficiency Department led by Elon Musk has been officially launched, with Dogecoin as its image, marking that DOGE is moving towards a broader future!
The latest developments show that the market demand for DOGE has soared rapidly, and price increases have become a trend!
Let your income double in this surge! The future of DOGE is full of infinite possibilities.
The glorious moment of miners is just around the corner! Take action!
The official website of the US Government Efficiency Department led by Elon Musk has been officially launched, with Dogecoin as its image, marking that DOGE is moving towards a broader future!
The latest developments show that the market demand for DOGE has soared rapidly, and price increases have become a trend!
Let your income double in this surge! The future of DOGE is full of infinite possibilities.
The glorious moment of miners is just around the corner! Take action!
You Wont Believe What Pastor David Ibiyeome Said About Pastor Korede Komaiyas Success!
~1.1 mins read
In a recent statement that has sent waves across the Christian community, Pastor David Ibiyeome, the General Overseer of Salvation Ministries, spoke glowingly about Pastor Korede Komaiya, the General Overseer of The Master’s Place. Describing him as “one of the most blessed pastors to have served and come out of Winners,” Pastor Ibiyeome highlighted Pastor Komaiya’s exceptional results and divine favor.
Pastor Ibiyeome went further to call Pastor Komaiya a “master of time,” attributing his rapid rise and impactful ministry to his unique ability to align with God’s timing and purpose. He emphasized that no one who has left Winners Chapel, the ministry founded by Bishop David Oyedepo, has achieved the level of success and influence that Pastor Komaiya has attained.
This statement has sparked conversations about the significance of divine timing, faithfulness in service, and the power of God’s blessings in ministry. Pastor Komaiya, known for his dynamic teachings and transformative leadership, continues to inspire many with his journey from serving in Winners Chapel to leading a globally impactful ministry.
*Watch Video:*
As the Christian community reflects on these insights, one thing is clear: Pastor Korede Komaiya’s story is a testament to the power of divine alignment, hard work, and unwavering faith. His journey serves as a reminder that when God’s timing meets human dedication, extraordinary results follow.